BKT Tires vs Michelin

BKT Tires
Avg Price Range: $50-$500
Tire Types: Agriculture, Construction, and Industrial Tires
Avg UTQG Rating: N/A
Avg Price Range: $100-$400
Tire Types: Passenger, Performance, SUV/Truck, and Winter Tires
Avg UTQG Rating: 500-800

When comparing BKT Tires to Michelin, it is important to note that BKT Tires has a wider price range of $50-$500, while Michelin's price range falls between $100-$400. BKT Tires specializes in Agriculture, Construction, and Industrial tires, while Michelin offers a variety of types including Passenger, Performance, SUV/Truck, and Winter tires. Additionally, Michelin tires have a UTQG rating range of 500-800, which is a standardized system used to measure and compare the treadwear, traction, and temperature resistance of tires. On the other hand, BKT Tires does not have a UTQG rating range listed. The UTQG rating is determined by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and provides a treadwear rating that indicates the expected lifespan of the tire based on its wear compared to a control tire. A higher number indicates a longer expected tread life.